
For as long as I can remember I've been an artist and I've always   had a heart for the church.

“In the context of one’s calling, how does one learn to see with the eyes of the heart, to see oneself as responsible for the way the world is and isn’t?”

Steven Garber, Visions of Vocation: Common Grace for the Common Good


Gina Hurry is the InSpero Founder and Executive Director. InSpero exists to support the growth of creative community. Those artists and artisans whose work awakens our longing for beauty and truth in the midst of suffering and the search for meaning. We believe this community has a unique ability to bring healing, hope, and restoration to the brokenness of our world. 

Those involved in the arts often feel isolated, discouraged, or marginalized. Their potential contributions can be lost to a world that desperately needs them. InSpero seeks out and cares for individuals who belong in creative community, believing that their gifts are essential for our well-being and that of our city.

To this end, we organize events that bring together artists, artisans, and the audiences who are beneficiaries of their gifts. Our events are designed to cultivate the creative community and provide opportunities for them to present their creative offerings to our city and the world.

To learn more about Inspero, visit our site here.